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Response status codes

This page describes all response status codes returned when calling the channel management RESTful API.

If the status code is 200, the request is successful. If not, troubleshoot the problem based on the message and reason fields that may appear in the corresponding response body.

For example, when a request fails, you might receive the following response:

# 400 Bad Request
"message": "invalid appid"

Status codes

The following table summarizes all response status codes, their meanings, and recommended actions:

Response status codeDescriptionRecommended actions
200The operation is successful.No troubleshooting required.
400Bad request.Troubleshoot based on the message field in the response body.
401Unauthorized.Check and confirm that your authentication information is correct. Possible reasons include:
  • App ID does not exist
  • Non-matching customer ID and secret
  • 403Access is forbidden.The authorization information is incorrect. Contact Agora technical support.
    404The requested resource could not be found.Confirm that the requested URL and resource are correct.
    415Unsupported media type.Make sure you have set Content-Type in the request header as application/json.
    429Too many requests.Wait and retry.
    500Internal server error.Use a backoff strategy for query requests or contact Agora technical support
    If the problem is not solved after taking the recommended action, print out the X-Request-ID and X-Resource-ID response header values and contact technical support.

    Troubleshooting example

    A call to create a privilege banning rule returns 400 Bad Request and the message filed value is invalid appid.

    This means that the App ID is invalid and the rule creation has failed. Obtain the App ID in Agora Console and call the API again.
