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Chat glossary

This page explains Chat-related metrics.

Scale metrics

Total registered users

The accumulated number of registered users under this project as of the current time. This number could decline if some UIDs are deleted.

Daily new users

The number of newly registered users under this project today (00:00 – current time).

Daily active users (DAU)

The number of users who log in or send or receive messages today (00:00 – current time). A user connected through multiple devices is regarded as one active user.

Monthly Max. DAU

The highest number of DAU from 00:00 on the first day of this month to the current time.

Total group chats

The number of created group chats under this project as of the current time (disbanded group chats are excluded).

Daily new group chats

The number of newly created group chats under this project today (00:00 – current time).

Daily disbanded group chats

The number of disbanded group chats under this project today (00:00 – current time).

Daily active group chats

The number of group chats that send uplink messages or receive downlink messages today (00:00 – current time).

Total chat rooms

The number of created chat rooms under this project as of the current time (disbanded chat rooms are excluded).

Daily new chat rooms

The number of newly created chat rooms under this project today (00:00 – current time).

Daily disbanded chat rooms

The number of disbanded chat rooms under this project today (00:00 – current time).

Daily active chat rooms

The number of chat rooms that send uplink messages or receive downlink messages today (00:00 – current time).

Daily chat room PCU

The highest number of users connected to servers at the same time in chat rooms under this project today (00:00 - current time). Note that the displayed data has a 10-minute delay.

Message count metrics

The following metrics apply to one-to-one chats, group chats, and chat rooms, as well as all message types.

Total dispatched messages

The number of messages dispatched by the Chat server as of yesterday.

The number of messages sent from clients to the Chat server as of yesterday.

The number of messages sent from the Chat server to online users as of yesterday.

Total offline messages

The number of messages sent from the Chat server to offline users as of yesterday.

End-user API metrics

Metric type

Metric typeDescription
Manual loginUsers log in through a password or token.
Automatic loginUsers log in automatically (TODO).
Message sendingUsers send messages.
Friends managementUser operations such as adding or removing friends from their contacts.
User managementUser operations such as creating and updating a profile.
Group chat managementUser operations such as creating and deleting group chats.
Chat room managementUser operations such as creating and deleting chat rooms.


Request attemptsThe total number of attempts to call the client SDK APIs.
1s/3s/5s request success rateThe number of successful calls of the client SDK API in 1s/3s/5s divided by the total number of effective call attempts .
Average request delayThe sum of delay of client SDK API calls divided by the total number of successful calls.

① The total number of effective call attempts does not include invalid call attempts. A call attempt is considered as invalid if one of the following requirements is met:

  • The username or password is empty or incorrect.
  • The username is illegal.
  • The password is invalid.
  • Ths user cannot perform the operation without an admin permission.
  • The user does not exist.
  • The group chat does not exist.
  • The user is not found in the group chat.

Server API metrics

Metric type

Metric typeDescription
Token generationRetrieving a token that has the privilege of an administrator through the RESTful API.
User system registrationUser registration and retrieving, modifying, and deleting user information through the RESTful API.
File upload / downloadUploading and downloading audio, image, and other files through the RESTful API.
Message sendingSending a message through the RESTful API.
Group chat managementFunctions such as creating and deleting group chats through the RESTful API.
Chat room managementFunctions such as creating and deleting chat rooms through the RESTful API.
User attributesFunctions such as setting and deleting user attributes through the RESTful API.


Request attemptsThe total number of attempts to make RESTful API requests.
1s/3s/5s request success rateThe number of successful RESTful API requests in 1s/3s/5s divided by the total number of RESTful API request attempts.
Average request delayThe sum of delay of all RESTful API requests divided by the total number of successful RESTful API requests.