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Media Pull service enables you to inject external media streams into real-time Agora channels. This page explains how to use Media Pull and Video SDK to publish external media to a channel.


Before starting, ensure that you have implemented the Video SDK quickstart in your project.

Implement Media Pull

This section guides you through the implementation of Media Pull basic features in your app.

Enable Media Pull

To enable Media Pull, take the following steps:

  1. Log in to Agora Console, and click Projects in the left navigation panel.

  2. On the My Projects page, find the project for which you want to enable Media Pull and click Edit.

  3. Under All Features, select Media Pull.

  4. Click Enable. If you do not see the Enable button, contact support.

You can view usage statistics on the Agora Console Usage page.

Create a Cloud Player

To pull external media into the channel, you create a cloud player using the Create RESTful API. Refer to the following points when calling the API:

  • Region configuration:
    • Set the region parameter to match the location of your media streaming source. For example, use na if the source is in North America.
    • Ensure the region value is in lowercase.
  • Request header:
    • Assign a unique string to the X-Request-ID field for troubleshooting. The Agora server returns an X-Custom-request-ID field in the response header.
  • User identification:
    • Choose either UID or account for the cloud player's user name; never set both.
    • Ensure each cloud player in a channel has a unique user name.
  • Avoid duplicates:
    • Use the name field to manage cloud players. Names must be unique within a project. Attempting to create a cloud player with a duplicate name returns a 409 (Conflict) status code.
  • Supported formats:
    • Ensure that the media stream uses supported audio/video formats and protocols to avoid failures.
  • Idle timeout:
    • Set the idleTimeout parameter to a suitable value. The default value of 300 seconds is recommended. The cloud player automatically destroys the stream after this period of inactivity.
  • Cloud player creation events:
    • Upon successful creation, the message notification server sends a payload with the status field set to connecting, indicating the server is connecting to the media stream or probing audio and video data.

Refer to the RESTful API Reference to update player settings or to delete a cloud player.

Query Cloud Players

To retrieve a list of cloud players under a project, use the List RESTful API. Refer to the following points when calling the API:

  1. For the first query, omit the pageToken parameter. The response includes the current page and a nextPageToken.
  2. Use the nextPageToken in subsequent queries to retrieve the next page from the list of of cloud players.
  3. When nextPageToken is 0, all cloud players under the project have been listed.

Cloud players are returned in ascending order based on their creation time (createTs).

Subscribe to a cloud stream

Once the cloud player is successfully created, it joins your channel as a virtual user with the specified uid. You can now subscribe to this user's stream in your app.

rtcEngine.setEventHandler(new IRtcEngineEventHandler() {    @Override    public void onUserPublished(int uid, int mediaType) {        super.onUserPublished(uid, mediaType);        // Subscribe to the user's media stream        rtcEngine.subscribe(uid, mediaType);    }});