Classroom client SDK
This page provides the Kotlin API reference of the Agora Classroom SDK for Android.
is the basic interface of the Agora Classroom SDK and provides the main methods that can be invoked by your app.
Gets the SDK version.
The SDK version.
Globally configures the SDK.
Sample code
Parameter | Description |
agoraEduSDKConfig | The SDK global configuration. See AgoraClassSdkConfig. |
Launches a flexible classroom.
Sample code
Parameter | Description |
context | The context of the app. |
config | The classroom launching configuration. See AgoraEduLaunchConfig. |
callback | The SDK uses the AgoraEduLaunchCallback class to report events related to classroom launching to the app. |
The AgoraEduClassRoom
Configures courseware downloading.
Sample code
Parameter | Description |
wares | The courseware pre-download configuration. See AgoraEduCourseware. |
Pre-downloads the courseware.
Sample code
Parameter | Description |
context | The context of the app. |
listener | The SDK reports events related to courseware preloading to the app through the AgoraEduCoursewarePreloadListener class. |
Register an extension application by using the ExtApp tool. ExtApp is a tool for embedding extension applications in Flexible Classroom. For details, see Customize Flexible Classroom with ExtApp.
The AgoraEduLaunchCallback
class reports events related to classroom launching to the app.
Reports classroom events.
Parameter | Description |
state | The classroom events. See AgoraEduEvent. |
The AgoraEduCoursewarePreloadListener
class reports events related to courseware preloading to the app.
Indicates that the SDK starts downloading the courseware.
Parameter | Description |
ware | The courseware pre-download configuration. See AgoraEduCourseware. |
Indicates the progress of courseware pre-downloading.
Parameter | Description |
ware | The courseware pre-download configuration. See AgoraEduCourseware. |
progress | Indicates the progress of courseware pre-downloading. |
Indicates that the courseware pre-downloading completes.
Parameter | Description |
ware | The courseware pre-download configuration. See AgoraEduCourseware. |
The courseware pre-downloading fails.
Parameter | Description |
ware | The courseware pre-download configuration. See AgoraEduCourseware. |
Type definition
The SDK global configuration. Used in setConfig.
Attributes | Description |
appId | The Agora App ID. See Get the Agora App ID. |
eyeCare | Whether to enable eye care mode:0 : (Default) Disable eye care mode.1 : Enable eye care mode. |
The classroom launching configuration. Used in launch.
Attributes | Description |
userName | The user name for display in the classroom. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. |
userUuid | The user ID. This is the globally unique identifier of a user. Must be the same as the User ID that you use for generating an Signaling token. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported character scopes are: |
roomName | The room name for display in the classroom. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. |
roomUuid | The room ID. This is the globally unique identifier of a classroom. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported character scopes are: |
roleType | The role of the user in the classroom. See AgoraEduRoleType. |
roomType | The classroom type. See AgoraEduRoomType. |
rtmToken | The Signaling token used for authentication. For details, see Secure authentication with tokens. |
startTime | The start time (ms) of the class, determined by the first user joining the classroom. |
duration | The duration (ms) of the class, determined by the first user joining the classroom. |
region | The region where the classrooms is located. All clients must use the same region, otherwise, they may fail to communicate with each other. See AgoraEduRegionStr. |
videoEncoderConfig | Video encoding configurations, including the width and height, frame rate, and bitrate. See EduVideoEncoderConfig |
mediaOptions | The media options, including media encryption configurations. See AgoraEduMediaOptions. |
boardFitMode | The PPT display mode. See AgoraBoardFitMode. |
streamState | Controls whether students automatically send audio or video streams after they go onto the stage. See StreamState. |
latencyLevel | The latency level of an audience member. See AgoraEduLatencyLevel. |
userProperties | User properties customized by the developer. For details, see How can I set user properties? |
Classroom events. Reported in onCallback.
Attributes | Description |
AgoraEduEventFailed | 0 : The user fails to enter the classroom. |
AgoraEduEventReady | 1 : The classroom is ready. |
AgoraEduEventDestroyed | 2 : The classroom has been destroyed. |
AgoraEduEventForbidden | 3 : The user is forbidden by the Flexible Classroom cloud service and not allowed to enter the classroom. |
The role of the user in the classroom. Set in AgoraEduLaunchConfig.
Attributes | Description |
AgoraEduRoleTypeStudent | 2 : A student. |
The classroom type. Set in AgoraEduLaunchConfig.
Attributes | Description |
AgoraEduRoomType1V1 | 0 : One-to-one Classroom. An online teacher gives an exclusive lesson to only one student. |
AgoraEduRoomTypeBig | 2 : Lecture Hall. A teacher gives an online lesson to multiple students. Students do not send their audio and video by default. The maximum number of users in a classroom is 5,000. During the class, students can raise their hands to attract the teacher's attention and request to speak up. Once the teacher approves, the student can send their audio and video to interact with the teacher. |
AgoraEduRoomTypeSmall | 4 : Small Classroom. A teacher gives an online lesson to multiple students. Students do not send their audio and video by default. The maximum number of users in a classroom is 200. During the class, the teacher can invite students to speak up and have real-time audio and video interactions with the teacher. |
The PPT display mode on the whiteboard. Set in AgoraEduLaunchConfig.
Parameter | Description |
Auto | (Default) The PPT display mode is fit, which means uniformly scaling the PPT until one of its dimensions fits the boundary. |
Retain | In this mode, if the student manually adjusts the PPT size, the client maintains this size no matter what class the student joins. |
Controls whether students automatically send audio or video streams after they go onto the stage. Set in AgoraEduLaunchConfig.
Parameter | Description |
videoState | Whether to send the video stream:0 : (Default) Do not send the video stream.1 : Send the video stream. |
audioState | Whether to send the audio stream:0 : (Default) Do not send the audio stream.1 : Send the audio stream. |
The latency level of an audience member. Set in AgoraEduLaunchConfig.
Parameter | Description |
AgoraEduLatencyLevelLow | Low latency. The latency from the sender to the receiver is 1500 ms to 2000 ms. |
AgoraEduLatencyLevelUltraLow | (Default) Ultra-low latency. The latency from the sender to the receiver is 400 ms to 800 ms. |
Media options. Set in AgoraEduLaunchConfig.
Parameter | Description |
encryptionConfig | The media stream encryption configuration. See AgoraEduMediaEncryptionConfig for details. |
The media stream encryption configuration. Used in AgoraEduMediaOptions.
Parameter | Description |
mode | The encryption mode. See AgoraEduEncryptMode . |
key | The encryption key. |
The media stream encryption configuration. See AgoraEduMediaEncryptionConfig for details.
Parameter | Description |
NONE | No encryption. |
AES_128_XTS | 128-bit AES encryption, XTS mode. |
AES_128_ECB | 128-bit AES encryption, ECB mode. |
AES_256_XTS | 256-bit AES encryption, XTS mode. |
SM4_128_ECB | 128-bit ECB encryption, SM4 mode. |
AES_128_GCM | 128-bit AES encryption, GCM mode. |
AES_256_GCM | 256-bit AES encryption, GCM mode. |
The courseware pre-download configuration. Used in configCoursewares.
Attributes | Description |
resourceName | The file name. |
scenePath | The local path for storing the file. Agora recommends setting this parameter as the combination of resourceName and name of the first SceneInfo object in scenes , such as, resourceName + "/" + sceneInfos.get(0).name . |
scenes | A list of converted file pages, an array of SceneInfo objects. Flexible Classroom automatically converts files with the suffixes of "ppt" , "pptx" , "doc" , "docx" , and "pdf" to formats that can be displayed on the whiteboard in the classroom and then display the file on the whiteboard in pages. Each SceneInfo object represents one page. |
resourceUrl | The URL address of the file, such as "{taskUuid}.zip" . |
The detailed information of a page. Set in AgoraEduCourseware.
Attributes | Description |
componentCount | The number of pages. |
ppt | The detailed information of a converted page. See Ppt. |
name | The page name. |
The detailed information of a page displayed on the whiteboard. Set in SceneInfo.
Attributes | Description |
src | The URL address of the converted page. |
width | The width (pixel) of the page. |
height | The height (pixel) of the page. |
Attributes | Description |
CN | Mainland China. |
NA | North America. |
EU | Europe. |
AP | Asia Pacific. |
The video encoder configuration. Used in AgoraEduLaunchConfig.
- In the Small Classroom use-case, the default resolution is 120p (160*120).
- In the One-to-one Classroom and Lecture Hall use-cases, the default resolution is 240p (320*240).
Parameter | Description |
width | Width (pixel) of the video frame. |
height | Height (pixel) of the video frame. |
frameRate | The frame rate (fps) of the video. The default value is 15. |
bitrate | The bitrate (Kbps) of the video. The default value is 200. |
mirrorMode | Video mirror modes. See EduMirrorMode . |
Whether to enable mirror mode. Used in EduVideoEncoderConfig.
Parameter | Description |
AUTO | The SDK disables mirror mode by default. |
ENABLED | Enable mirror mode. |
DISABLED | Disable mirror mode. |