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How to package a Windows installation on macOS?

To create a Smart Classroom Windows installation package using a Mac, take the following steps:

  1. Delete agora-electron-sdk in the node_modules folder.

  2. Add the following code to the package.json file:

    "agora_electron": {
    "electron_version": "12.0.0",
    "prebuilt": true,
    "platform": "win32",
    "arch": "x64"

    json file configuration

  3. Modify the pack:win command in the packages/agora-demo-app/package.json file and add the arch parameter at the end to specify the system architecture, such as the 64-bit operating system architecture:

    "pack:win": "yarn electron:copy:electron:win && electron-builder --win -p never --x64",

    If you need to package for a 32-bit operating system, change the last parameter to --ia32.

  4. Run the installation command again:

    yarn install

  5. Run the following commands to package Smart Classroom:

    yarn pack:classroom:sdk
    yarn pack:classroom:plugin
    yarn ci:build
    yarn pack:electron:win

  6. The packaging process is complete. You can find the generated installation package in the packages/agora-demo-app/release directory.

    Generated installation package location
